Patient who experienced sleepless night due to severe tooth pain – On his left side of face but, not able to locate which tooth & not able to diagnose the cause of pain as well. He had already taken 3 painkillers in the night but there was no relief!
Next morning he showed to local dentist who took his multiple dental X rays but found no decay or infection & told him there is no problem with the teeth & your teeth are absolutely perfect! Dentist prescribed him stronger painkiller & surprisingly pain intensity aggravated instead of getting relief! Then he rushed to Dr Prakash Patil, a well known Maxillo-facial Surgeon & experienced dentist at Face n Dental International clinic for second opinion to get accurate diagnosis & with hope of urgent pain relief!
After hearing his symptoms, Dr Prakash Patil suspected acute pulpitis due to “C.T.S.” ! He checked his teeth with MICROLUX, a special equipment to detect “C.T.S.” (Cracked Tooth Syndrome).
His upper left second molar was found with deep vertical fracture (CTS) & it was causing him severe pulsatile facial pain which was wandering since yesterday. There was history of severe sensitivity & pain 3 months back in the same area while eating, But it was relieved with analgesic that time. Doctor gave him confirmatory diagnostic block with local anesthesia & patient got a sudden relief!
Once the accurate cause of pain was diagnosed he insisted to do extraction of offending tooth on emergency basis!
Surgical extraction of offending tooth was carried out to give him full relief from pain! C.T.S. condition is difficult to diagnose for dentist as well & such cracks are invisible & very deceptive. It may be as a result of trauma from biting on hard substance such as betelnut, small stone in food or severe biting forces on brittle teeth. Such a tooth doesn’t respond to painkillers, antibiotics or root canal treatment as well.
Eventually it needs surgical extraction. Such teeth will come out in parts & not as an intact whole tooth !